January 7, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Jesus Is Missing by Blessing Obada

JESUS IS MISSING seeks to pass on the message of Easter to children between the ages of 4-8. It also aims to introduce them to some fun professions that they might not know, or be aware of. The rhyming words, interjections and professions would expand their use of sounds as well as their vocabularies. Every page with its colour and picture satisfies the readers’ curiosity as well as leave’s smiles on faces with words like; zap zap! and boo hoo!

January 6, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Lenny´s Adventures by Manuel Mai

The book series “Lenny’s Adventures – The stories of a young helicopter pilot” is about a nine-year-old boy called Lenny, who fulfills his dream of becoming a helicopter pilot and makes exciting experiences throughout his life. Together with Bello and Charlie, his best helicopter-friends, he climbs all ups and overcomes all downs that come along with being a helicopter pilot. His adventures are about friendship and family, hope and courage, but also fear, doubts and failures, which Lenny can overcome again and again with the help of his friends and others.

January 5, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Milly & Coco by Alex MacDonald

The story starts with Milly the mouse
happily asleep in her little house.
She hasn´t even opened her eyes
when she hears a nasty surprise.
Coco the cat! A mouse-eating machine!
But not everything is as it seems….

January 4, 2022 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Our Family’s Doing Yoga by SonJoria Sydnor

Our Family’s Doing Yoga is a rhyming story about a young child who takes the reader on a journey of chaotic fun as his family finds an enjoyable way to bond through yoga and mindfulness. This book is full of family-friendly yoga poses and game ideas.

December 31, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Letter from Sweet Abundance by Molly Perry

The color is disappearing from the cartoon world of Sweet Abundance! Does that mean it will disappear? Jimmy, Lilly and Jamal receive a letter begging for their help, sending them off on another adventure. Little did they know, Eddie, a mean bully from school, followed them into Sweet Abundance. Will they be able to help? Come along and see what happens!

December 31, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

KidlioMag January 2022

New Year is a new beginning….
In this edition, we have fun and exciting games like Winter magic, My year review 2021, DE-Coding, and a lot more. I hope you will like it, and please do not forget to share your feedback.

December 30, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Molly Perry

I grew up in a small house with my parents and two brothers. My mother was a painter, sculptor and the best person in the world to talk to. As a child, I often danced around the house with my notebook filled with stories.

December 30, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Dr. Arian T. Moore

I am a wife, professor and mom of 4. I absolutely love teaching and just marked 10 years as a professor teaching communications and leadership courses on the university level.

December 30, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Game by Molly Perry

It all started with The Game. Ten year old Jimmy found it in his father’s struggling Children’s Museum. Jimmy, along with his 13 year old sister Lilly and friend Jamal are sent by The Game to a most unusual land. With two unexpected traveling companions they work to try and save Isadore Benefactor and the land of Sweet Abundance from the villain John Heartless. It is a wild ride that you can’t help but enjoy! And, just like Jimmy, Lilly and Jamal, will not soon forget.

Houston, TX
December 29, 2021 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Candace Okin

I’m Candace Okin, a Houston based author and mother who is driven by the mission of encouraging the love of reading.