November 13, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Dr. Evona Lee Smith

My name is Dr. Evona Lee Smith and I am a wife and mother of five children and a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Dillard University at New Orleans as well as a Master of Science degree in nursing and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Loyola University at New Orleans. I practiced as a registered nurse since 2003 and a family nurse practitioner since 2009.

November 9, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Little Valarie and her Big World of Options by Victoria Watkins

Every child has a dream in childhood of what they want to become and their choices change daily and that’s the beauty of childhood.

November 6, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

King Kahuna Crayon and the Color Kingdom By Rikkianisha Hunt

This is such a cute and colorful story which teaches children about different colors , their importance and most importantly gives the message of ‘ Unity is Strength ‘.

November 6, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Lori A. Armstrong

I grew up in Napa, California, raising a family with a now grown son and daughter who are my rocks. My life partner of 13 years is my best critic as he is always willing to share constructive criticism in regards to my writing (when requested of course). Lol I worked in law enforcement for several years – later being offered a full-time position at my local district attorney’s office. While the pay was great, I always felt there was something missing. The wine industry in Napa was booming and the population grew to immense numbers with wineries being the staple point, wine bars on every corner and the tourists were more catered to than the locals. I started to miss the old small town Napa I grew up in and needed to make some changes in my life for this and other health-related reasons.I moved from Napa to a quaint country town in Lake County, up in the mountains, high above Napa. I spend endless hours in my writing cave (which overlooks the lake),especially during this unfortunate pandemic.Here, in my writing cave, I create my stories (both novels and children’s books), editing,formatting and marketing each book after endless hours of author forums, webinars and zoom meetings in order to improve my niche.
I also ghostwrite, format and market books for others, treating each story as my own. My latest venture has been to create a Book Marketing Plan for future authors, which provides everything they would need from the beginning stages of the process to the end. Between writing projects and marketing, I am a criminal court reporter for my local newspaper. While I enjoy keeping my local community versed on the crime in my county, I am blessed to balance my brain with the lighthearted stories from within my heart along with stories forwarded to me for edits and formatting.
Life is good.I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am grateful for all of your support!

November 5, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Bubbly Jock Jack And The Thanksgiving Fallacy By Lori A. Armstrong

Bubbly Jock Jack and the Thanksgiving Fallacy is a beautiful story with a strong message for children that everyone has  different qualities so we don’t have to compare ourselves with others . Bubbly Jock jack is a wild turkey who lived on the cluck cluck farm with farmer Craig and his family . Once Jack overhears two young girls in the corn maze discuss their Thanksgiving plans and he now believes he will be on Farmer Craig’s Thanksgiving menu! This silly turkey pretends to be a bumble bee, a herding dog, a dairy cow and a hen but what he does not realize is that he has self-worth, too. Join the adventurous journey of this cute little turkey which just took my heart away .This book is an enjoyable reads with lots of laughter and learning because Bubbly Jock Jack is very funny and lovable his actions are hilarious  
I just loved the concept of this book which teaches children about so many farm animals and what they do or what they give us . Illustrations are so beautiful and colorful that kids are going to love this book and want to read it again and again .This book has a unique POP-UP TEXT. If your child or student would like to learn fun facts about turkeys, every time they see a turkey illustration within the book, they can click on or near the turkey and a fun fact will POP-UP!!!!  

November 4, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Andre Gatling

Q: First tell us something about yourself?

Well, I was born in SE Washington DC, by a single mom who struggled to make sure I had the necessities in life. As an only child I spent a lot of time imagining things that I could become. I loved Reading, TV, Film but most of all Comedy and Dogs. Growing up in the PG County MD and DC was rough but it made me appreciate a good struggle which I never knew would prepare me for the road to come. Long story short, I joined the DC Improv Comedy School and before you know it, I was performing on the biggest stage in DC. Won a Standup Comedy Competition on; found myself on DC101’s Elliot in the morning for an interview; 94.7 Tommy McFly’s Show for a voice over; appeared in a Washington Post Weekend Section and a Food Network Show (Dinner Impossible) which coincidentally led me to filming my own pilot show for Food Network that never aired. I never thought anything like this could happen to somebody like me. While doing all of that, I was volunteering in an animal shelter working my way up to what’s called Quarantine spending a lot of time learning how to deal with dog behavior especially fear and aggression. For the last 8 years I started an advocation for Pitbull Awareness, took in two amazing Pitbulls (Chloe and Jordan, both with AKC CGC Accreditations); help rehome animals and I run around helping people change the behavior of their dogs.

November 2, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Jeanne Fortune

Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?

When I moved to the United States I didn’t know how to speak English. I went to a very good school located in the New York suburbs and they had a good English Second Language program. We spent a lot of time on creative writing.

Q: When did you write your first story?

Is it published or not? I wrote my first (Young Adult) story when I was in College student. I kept the manuscript for many years because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to publish it. I have since decided that the story needed to be told so it will be published in early to mid 2021. Please follow me on social media for updates.

Q: Tell us something more about your books?

My current book “Mommy, I Need My Wheels” is a story about a young boy named Eddy who just realizes that his training wheels are missing. He doesn’t think he can ride without them so he is begging his mother to put them back on.
However, Eddy’s mother and father are not letting him give up. Even as he tries and falls, his parents continue to encourage him to keep trying. This book is also published in Haitian Creole “Manman, Mwen Bezwen Wou Mwen Yo” because I think it’s important for children to learn to read in other languages early.

Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific?

I am a mother to three young children and they love to read. My oldest child can read a young adult book in one day so I wanted to create something they could appreciate.

Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?

My middle son was three years old when he learned to ride his bike without
training wheels. I remember watching him trying and falling in our backyard and then one day, he did it. “Mommy, I Need My Wheels” features an interracial family. You see, Eddy and his mother are black but his father is white. I have an interracial family and I wanted my children to see our family in a book. When they see the pictures, they don’t ask any questions related to race because it feels normal to them that Eddy and his father have different skin tones. When people see my book’s pictures, I don’t want them to get caught up in the characters’ race, I want them to simply see a family enjoying their lives.

Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?

Read as many books as you can and keep an open mind. Try to expose yourself and your children to diverse books as much as possible. There’s just so much to learn from those who appear to be different from us.

October 31, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Anthony Newland

Q: First tell us something about yourself ?

I am Anthony Newland and I was born and raised in South London. After completing a degree in criminology I have worked many roles ranging from customer services to roles within the criminal justice system. I have always been creative and wish to fill the world with my best and favourite ideas.

Q: How and when your journey started as a writer?

I have enjoyed writing since I was a child in primary school. I would often write short stories and even wrote and acted in plays for my family at family gatherings. I was always an avid reader and would often read books above my age range which I believe stemmed the birth and growth of my writing journey. Over the past ten years I have written plans for novels, short stories, poems and also music. “When Cow Lost Her Moo” is my first published story and is the first step in my official author journey.

Q: When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?

“When Cow Lost Her Moo” is my first children’s story but I have written a number of short stories and other mediums over the years. After writing this story I felt it was the right time to release my work into the world. Starting in children’s literature was never initially my intention but after writing this story it felt right and very special to me.

Q: Tell us something more about your books?

This is my first story but I have many ideas ready to go and intend to follow this story up soon. So keep your eyes peeled!

Q: Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?

The reason I was inspired to write this particular story is the many inspirations around me. There have been an influx of young children within my family and I am inspired by them constantly. Watching them grow and build their personalities is fascinating and has been very surreal to me. My wife is a primary school teacher which is also a huge inspiration for me. She has supported me through the entire process and this has helped me take this direction.

Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?

Interestingly, when I write stories I usually plan them out in my head first starting from genre, to basic story thread, with characters and titles coming last. This story however took a very different process. I was sitting on a bus thinking what should my next story be about? I remember feeling a bit lost and having a moment where I had a lack of inspiration. Then the title “When Cow Lost Her Moo” came to me and skipped my usual steps of storytelling. It is a title I then sat on for some time before fleshing out the plan and story structure. I believe how I felt at the time inspired the title but overall it was one of these ideas that you pluck out of the deeper unexplored parts of the mind. As if gifted to you by a third party.

Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?

The message I want to give is that without a doubt in life there will be moments in which we lose ourselves. Moments in which our “Moo” is missing. However there is always light at the end of the tunnel and finding ourselves is a matter of self-exploration and belief. Always use the tools around you but most importantly always believe you can!

October 31, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Natalie McDonald -Perkins.

Q: First tell us something about yourself ?
I grew up in the suburbs in an affluent, Caucasian community in the Bay Area (peninsula) of California. I was always 1 out of 5 African American students at my school. My classmates would continuously ask questions about my hair and skin color. Oftentimes, I would downplay my identity to fit in. In first grade, I remember that I wanted to be a part of this “all-girl” group.
I had to be wearing pink to join this group. Luckily for me (I thought), I was able to find a very small hint of pink in my shirt. Sadly, one girl pointed out that I wasn’t White, which meant I was banned from the group. I was only six years old, and this broke my heart into pieces. It was one of my first encounters with racism.
How and when your journey started as a writer?
In the summer of 2019, I thought it would be great to propose the idea of writing a book with some of my old college friends. Unfortunately, our schedules and circumstances didn’t align for us to collaborate, so I started my book journey solo. My family, students, and my own experiences are what motivated and inspired me.
When did you write your first story? Is it published or not?
I published my first children’s book “Best in Me” on June 7, 2020.”Best in Me” is truly my labor of love.
Q: How did these stories and characters come to your mind?
I was moved to include my daughter, Justice, in the book to show her that she is perfect just the way she is, an agent of social change, and very much loved by me. One day when I’m not physically here anymore, “Best in Me” will serve as a constant reminder for her. Her name “Justice” speaks for itself. Similar stories like my own inspired me to develop the characters Ciara, Jacquelyn, and Sharonda in “Best in Me.” My cousin Sharonda who lives with Cerebral Palsy, also inspired me to write this book. She’s highly educated, an accomplished businesswoman, and mother. Like many students, being a victim of bullying made her school experience very challenging.
Why do you choose kids as your reader ? is there any specific reason?
I strongly believe that enhancing students’ school belonging is of paramount importance for students’ overall success and self-efficacy. To truly grow, we have to be willing to accept and tolerate the differences in one another. As a teacher, I challenge my students to learn about and build positive relationships with others who don’t look like them. With great intention, I have dedicated my entire teaching career to serving the underprivileged and marginalized Black and Brown communities because the little Black girl in me still cries inside.
Q: Do you want to give any message for your readers?
“Best in Me” is a short, multicultural, picture book of poetry that celebrates children of all backgrounds. This book covers the themes of race, cultural understanding, tolerance, acceptance, friendship, and self-esteem. It is full of optimism with a powerful message: “Stay true to yourself, regardless of what others say or think. Discover and/or rediscover the BEST in you!”

October 31, 2020 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Best In Me By Nataile McDonald Perkins

I really want to admire the author who wants to convey an important message through her book . This book teaches us about diversity and tells us about everyone being unique in themselves no matter how their skin looks or language they speak .  We should love and appreciate each other because everyone is  unique .   Best In Me is an incredible story about a teacher Mrs Patterson who created a group for students who are bullied at school and gave them an assignment to write a poem that describes what makes you special and unique using I statements . All poems are really very amazing and inspiring too and we can learn a lot through this book . Cover of the book is also very amazing and gives us a message of diversity and inclusion and Illustrations are  very vibrant and colorful too.

This book is just perfect for kids as well as adults too. This book includes tips to help children learn about “I” statements for self worth .This book gives us a message of self love , self acceptance, inclusion and difference .   I’M sure after reading this book children will fall in love with themselves and   start admiring their friends too.I recommend this book to all children so that they can understand the beauty of different cultures and styles .  Perfect for 3+