September 28, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

KidlioMag October Edition 2023

Hello Friends,

Hurray! October is here, The month full of festivals! As this festival season brings a lot of festivities to celebrate around the world.
Festivals are all about caring, sharing, and making memories with family and friends. Make your Dusshera and Halloween more enjoyable with the KidlioMag October Edition.
In this festival special edition, we incorporated the best Halloween & Dusshera activities, spooky fun games, stories, and much more! I hope you will like it, and please do not forget to share your feedback.
We are looking for writers and artists like you, so please send us your stories and drawings at

Happy Halloween!
Happy Dusshera

September 25, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Danisha Dumornay

I’m a Haitian-American writer, a lover of nature, and an adventurer. I’ve spent many years learning about the land around me and exploring its healing capabilities. This discovery was so profound that I began leading hikes for local explorers and decided to distill some of nature’s teachings through my first-ever children’s book.

September 25, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Monsters of Marymount Mansion by Gregory G. Allen

Meet Toby: a young monster who has skin like a fish, fur like a dog, and smells like cotton candy when he gets excited. He lives with his family in the basement of Marymount Mansion and once a year ventures out into the real world when everyone is dressed for Halloween. Toby becomes frustrated with hiding below ground and sets off on an all-important quest.

September 20, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Dandelion Horn by Tony V Lewis

While walking home from school one day Sophia and her Mother stumbled upon a grassy field full of white fluffy dandelions. Sophia’s Mother tells her that dandelions are called wish flowers. They each pick one and take it home. Sophia finds that there is something else special about the dandelion. After blowing the puff and making a wish, she blows into the dandelion stem and discovers that it makes a sound like a horn. Sophia decides that she will call it a dandelion horn. What will Sophia do with her new horn?

September 18, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Goldilocks What Ever Happened To Her? by Gabriel Rosenstock

This is a book suitable for readers 8-12+, told in verse, and illustrated by an artist who was a kindergarten teacher in the 1930s in Boston, USA. Her name was Beatrice Dvilnsky and a Google search revealed nothing about her.

What was Goldilocks like when she grew to adulthood? Did the encounter with the bears

affect the course of her life in any way?

September 18, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Gabriel Rosenstock

I am a bilingual writer, writing across several genres, in Irish and English, and this year I was awarded “The Children’s Books Ireland Award”. Some of my books, including haiku books for children 8-12, are free on the FreeKidsBooks platform:

September 15, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Meet Our Fabulous Author Erika Archer

I am an Air Force veteran who served between March 2005 – April 2017. I am a Finance Manager, Researcher and blogger.

September 15, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Allison, You Are Beautiful by Erika Archer

Allison, you are beautiful!

Three things Allison loves the most in the world are her friends, coloring, and riding her bike. Then her world gets turned upside by Billy the Bully teasing her about her freckles. With the help of her mom, teacher, and best friends, she soon learns that she is beautiful just the way she is. Even Billy learns a lesson along the way. Come along as Allison finds her confidence and sees that she is loved for simply being herself.

September 15, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

Catching Air by Gina Moore

Megan is in middle school when she receives a fortuitous message that launches her into the world of competitive mountain biking. Her adventures on the undulating dirt ribbons are full of highs and lows, leading to her greatest challenge yet: the Junior Cup Championship. Will she have what it takes to cross the finish line?

September 11, 2023 by Kidliomag 0 Comments

The Birth of Agent Big Butt: Butt of Steel, Heart of Gold by Amy Winfield

When the Flatbottoms rushed to the hospital on the night of their baby’s birth, they never expected the apple to fall so far from the tree. Their newborn’s enormous butt is as hard as steel and packed with an array of explosive farts that can defeat any adversary. His superpowers have also attracted the attention of a crazed, evil doctor, who relentlessly seeks to discover the secret behind his ultra-powerful butt.