In this thrilling adventure, a young boy named Haddock leaves his small village searching for Blackbeard’s lost treasure. Along the way, he encounters mermaids, a giant sea monster, and pirates, adding excitement and danger to his journey. Stay tuned for this thrilling tale of Haddock’s quest for treasure.
This book is the second in the Read and Grow series by Janine Ann Bower and comes complete with: language and fine motor skill development tips; a fun activity to further extend the reading experience; and links to the author’s website for further downloadable activities for your child.
Bowl of A’s is not your typical children’s book-it’s a delightful tale that infuses laughter and misunderstandings which blends the charm of Italian language and the allure of scrumptious Italian foods-complete with Lisa’s own recipe!
AI… Meets… AI: An Exciting Tale of Connection and Adventure (AiDigiTales) by Amber Ivey
AI… Meets… AI is a new age tale ofHuman–robot friendship which focuses on artificial intelligence, technology, human emotions, behaviours and values like kindness and empathy.
This story follows a curious and kind girl, Addy Iris aka AI who meets an AI robot named Jaz who gets lost in the city due to a GPS problem in its system. Addy quickly decides to help her new AI friend reach back to the lab and understand the world outside the lab.
Follow Addy and Jaz on their adventurous and exciting journey of becoming friends, and on their way back to the lab, they learn a lot from each other about their world.
In the world of Alexa, Google and Siri, this book is perfect to introduce the concept of AI to kids and shows the impact of artificial intelligence in our life and the effect of human emotions on robots. It helps kids see that they can be not just users of technology, but creators and developers too.
“They will have to depend on each other in order to survive.”
A whimsical story about a cheerful hummingbird and a loyal hawk as they face an approaching hurricane. You might not expect a hummingbird and a hawk to be friends, but Ruby and Red are the best of friends. And it is this friendship that will give them the strength to survive the coming storm.
Audacity and Tenacity are two fearless and adventurous best friends. With the summer holidays ahead, the girls plan to try new things. But when they realise that not all kids have friends to share their summer with, they come up with an idea to start a friendship group for those who are struggling to make friends.